Soccer Pro Kealia Ohai's Fiancé Calls Out Houston News Station For Garbage Tweet

Yesterday ABC 13 in Houston put out this Tweet:

And maybe some of you wouldn't blink twice at it, and would be puzzled if I asked if you found any problem with it. 

Not here to judge you, but personally I noticed an issue right away, and a certain defensive end for the Houston Texans saw it, too. (Though on a much more personal level.) 

Today Kealia Ohai's fiancé, J.J. Watt responded: 

As I sit here on my high horse in Barstool HQ, a bastion of media morality, allow me to applaud Watt for calling them out. 

Say what you will but it's something media has to be better about. 

Echoing what Watt said, there's a lot of amazing women out there doing incredible things on their own merit, and they should be acknowledged for it just like a guy would. 

Headlines don't need to attach another name to Kealia Ohai's or leave her out entirely, her talent & story is more than enough. 

Fast forward to 3 hours from now when Kate writes blog regarding some other topic & wrestles with herself over using boobs in the thumbnail for clicks

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